
Life in the Making: 28 Weeks

Hello 3rd Trimester! 

I think I start off every pregnancy post with ..
'I can't believe how fast these last few weeks have gone'
But really I can't.. 

I am so happy I've made it this far in my pregnancy and have felt 
relatively healthy and good. 
I am starting to feel a lot slower though
which has been interesting considering I am not one to sit still
or walk slow when shopping or anything..
But I am trying to go slow and listen to my body and not overdue anything.

This last week I felt mostly great..
Still having swollen ankles and feet. I am thinking at this time
I may need to run to the store and buy different flats.. wider  flats :)
My feet kind of swell and my go-to flats are starting to get uncomfortable.
I haven't really been craving anything this last month or so..
at least craving to the point of running to the store for something specific. 
I still am trying to eat relatively good for baby boy.. 
I have been eating a clementine in the morning and a banana in the afternoon
just trying to keep up with a few fruits a day at least..
I'm horrible at eating my veggies though.
And he's still getting a good dose of cookies and yummy treats.. oops.

We had a little bit of a scare this week. 
I haven't really felt any huge kicks or jabs  yet but
I do feel his small movements and little flutters here and there. 
I felt a lot more movement last Thursday only that day though and
then back to small movements and not that much..
Usually I can feel him everyday, which I usually feel it most when I'm at
work and really paying attention. 
On Tuesday I had decided to call my doctor just to make sure that this was normal
since I'm 28 weeks now and I just wanted to make sure.
First time mom -- kind of scared! 
My doctor's office ended up calling me back around 4:45 on Tuesday
and told me that they actually wanted me going over to Labor & Delivery
at the Hospital and have a few tests ran just to make sure he was okay.
I immediately started to panic but tried to hold it together
enough to tell Chad I needed to leave a few minutes early. 
I got really anxious and started to cry when I got to my car..
After a few seconds I hurried and called my mom, I knew
Adam was working so I thought I would try her first.
She told me she would meet me over there in a few minutes..
I then called Adam and couldn't even hold it together and burst into tears..
All he got from my conversation was..
"Going to Labor & Delivery"
Needless to say he was a wreck! 
He drove like a manic and was totally panicked the whole time. 
We also had my mother in law in town and she came with us. 
We got into a room and they started putting monitors on me
and asking me all these questions. 
They got the heart rate monitor hooked up and were immediately
able to find his little heart beat.. 
pheww... sigh of huge relief.
I can't tell you how scary it was those first few seconds as they were
trying to find that little sound. .
They monitored me for a little bit and took my urine 
sample, blood pressure etc. 
Every nurse that came in said my urine sample was perfect  because 
it was so clear and
they weren't even going to test it for protein or sugar. . 
Basically I had perfect pee, thank you. 
We only stayed and were monitored for maybe an hour if that. 
Luckily, everything checked out normal and great. 
They did have me drink some concentrated grape juice so 
they could see if he woke up and started to move.
I guess he was asleep when we got there
and then once I drank that sugary drink he perked up
and started to move. I was able to feel a few of the movements
and mostly we could hear it because of the heartbeat monitor..
it kind of sounded like a swish, so that was good. 
I felt a big sigh of relief.. and they told me if I ever feel nervous
to drink that juice and lie on my left side and pay close attention to movements.
I hadn't ever done fetal movement counts before, but I will try to do that more now.
The whole experience was a little surreal and scary at first
just facing the unknown for this little boy
I am hoping I'll start to feel a little more power from him so I can
distinguish those movements and not get worried. 
Today as I sit at work he's been so quiet and I haven't really felt anything from him.
That dang babe.. 

Besides that experience everything else has been great.
Adam and I decided to register last Saturday at Target.
I had brought my lists of things I was going to need that 
friends had written for me
It's amazing how much there is to know about one very small little human
I hope we can get everything we need and feel prepared. 
Adam asked me after we went to the hospital if I would
pack a hospital bag like now.. hahah.
I have a great list of things I saw on pinterest that I'll need
so I think I'll start getting that all ready here in the next few weeks.
I am not the type that would want anyone packing for me
so thought I better get on that. 

After little babe was being quiet I decided to get home from
work and lay on my side after drinking some concentrated juice..
just to make sure I could feel him wiggling in there.
I counted about 7 or so kicks within the first half hour and I felt
so relived and happy to feel those little movements. 

I have my glucose and 28 week appointment next Monday

so I'll have to blog about how that goes on next weeks update.
I have heard the glucose test is no fun, but hopefully I'll make it just fine.
I have an early  morning appt so that should help! 

Still haven't bought any other nursery items..
I've been holding out for Target to have a big baby sale on the
specific crib and dresser I want! 

Adam has been pretty amazing through this whole pregnancy
thing. . I am so lucky to have someone experiencing ( kind of ) with me! 

Few random pictures for my records:
 Getting some practice in.. Doesn't he look fantastic?

I think this pup isn't quite sure what's going on..
but she still is trying to squeeze on my lap. 

Date: Friday January 31st, 2014
How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: haven't weight myself since last appt which was 3 weeks ago.
Maternity clothes? most definitely
Stretch marks? yes :( I looked at myself in the mirror one morning this week and all the sudden my poor belly has red marks all over it. I'm kind of sad, but hey I am growing a human!?
Sleep: Still good for the most part. Adam got me a wonderful body pillow at Costco last weekend and that has helped me get comfy fast. I still hit the pillow and am out within a few minutes. 
Best moment this week: Hearing his heartbeat at the hospital.. scariest moment, but great all in the same. 
Have you told family and friends: of course.. 
Miss anything? probably just being able to get up easy and roll out of bed easier, hahah... prego problems.
Movement: well not a whole lot this week..hence the story above.. but I am trying to keep better track and I am feeling him in there. . 
 Food cravings: Nothing this week really. . I haven't wanted anything specific. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: no, thank goodness. 
Have you started to show yet: uhh yeah. 
Labor signs: No nothing yet.. and I want to keep it that way for a little while.
 Belly button in or out?  In still!
 Wedding ring on or off? On although I've noticed little puffiness the last few days
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy for the most part.. I've been kind of stress this last week with a few things going on like school and trying to decide how everything will work out once he gets here with family and stuff. 
How’s hubby doing?? He's doing awesome. He's been helpful as usual. 
Baby preparations: Nothing major this week that we've done for him.. I am hoping to purchase a few things next week for the nursery and maybe even get the crib here in the next week or two! 
Looking forward to: Seeing my sister in law, brother in law and niece and nephews this weekend. Haven't seen them since September! 

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