
The Greatest Gift I've Ever Received..

Most of you out there already know that... WE ARE EXPECTING.. it's for real, 

We honestly couldn't be happier and feel more blessed. Blessed is definitely the word that comes to mind when I think about this whole pregnancy. Most of you probably don't know but Adam and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 1 year before I found out, actually almost exactly a year, as I stopped taking birth control in August 2012. There were a lot of ups and downs during those 12 months and 12 times of thinking we may not get pregnant for a really long time or maybe not ever.  I had watched several close friends of mine get pregnant quickly and deliver the cutest babies and a part of me was just happy and excited for them and the other part was worried and anxious if I'd ever be in their shoes. So to say I am beyond blessed and excited for this little gift from heaven is an understatement. I know there are a lot of people out there who can't have children at all or who do have to wait years and years before getting pregnant, so I am very thankful and not taking this experience for granted. 

We found out on a sunny Sunday on August 18th. . . . 

I had been keeping track of my cycles each month so this made it easier for me to obviously know when to get down for business. This month I had used an ovulation kit for the 2nd time. The first month it did indicate I was ovulating so that was awesome but we were still unsuccessful. This month I used it again hoping it would work. By Sunday that week I was getting a very strong impression/feeling that I was pregnant. I am not usually late and I let myself go about a week late before taking a pregnancy test. See, I had taken pregnancy tests before, due to my over-eager husband, even when I was only a day late if that. . therefore I did not want to take a pregnancy test only to get my hopes up. After a few days passed that I was 'late' which as a woman we kind of know our bodies usually and I'm very regular so I started to get that feeling but wasn't totally sure so just kind of went with it. I remember going to Pine Valley for that Friday and Saturday and completely forgetting to take anything up in case I needed it, and for some weird reason I had a calm feeling that I probably wouldn't, but this didn't stop me from thinking every minute through the weekend that my lovely period would eventually come. But it didn't. I had decided I was going to put off taking a pregnancy test until I was like 35-36 days and that way I knew I was very late. . For some reason on Sunday I came home from church and I just thought I should go ahead and take the test.. I was thinking of taking it without Adam knowing, and then possibly surprising him, but instead started talking to him about being late and he immediately wanted me to take a test. I had a few pregnancy tests in my cabinet so I broke one out and just did it. It was really nerve wracking and I was SO nervous. . I just kind of had a feeling I was pregnant.. We left it in the bathroom and I tried to be calm and go about my business for 3 minutes..When the time was I up I tried to just ask really calm for Adam and go look at it in the bathroom... Once I saw the plus sign meaning pregnant I was like 'uhh.. Adam, come here come here!!'.. and he came in and saw it and grabbed the door for some balance and said 'holy shit I'm going to be a Dad'.. hahah. we were surprised. The light purple stick in the picture was my first one, I wasn't totally convinced, so I decided to go buy 2 more at the store and those both said positive!! I also still couldn't believe it so I bought a few more and took like 6 total all saying positive. Adam kept making fun of me for wanting to take so many tests, but I was just so shocked. It really was setting in for Adam or I but we immediately wanted to tell our close family mostly our parents. I know once I did get pregnant I would tell my mom right away, I couldn't go through any of pregnancy without her knowing! Adam decided to give his parents a call and they were absolutely thrilled and thought we were just joking at first. Then we decided to think of some kind of a creative way to tell my family. We went to Barnes  & Noble and bought a Grandma book for my mom that we were going to give her and then decided to get some pacifiers and a card for my younger sister that said 'Will you hold on to these for the next 9 months for me?'.. We then headed over to their house still kind of flustered and in shock! 

Once we got to my parents we just wanted to hurry and tell them.. we couldn't really sit and hang out with this kind of news! Right away I took Taylor down stairs because I thought she might scream or something and I didn't want my parents to hear or see her. We gave her the little card with the binkys in it and she opened it up and was like.. 'What your pregnant!' It was so cool and she gave me a big hug! (I had some recordings but I think they were on Adams old phone that we gave away so I'm really sad). . Anyway we then went up stairs and thought we had to hurry and tell them. My parents were both in the kitchen and were getting some leftovers out.. Adam decided we should just set the book kind of in front of her instead of giving her an actual 'present' so we did and she couldn't really tell what it was and then I set my phone by her of the above pictures of all my positive pregnancy tests.. It took her a second to get it but once she did she screamed a little and said a few times 'you think you really are?' it was so funny and then she gave me a hug.. My dad was funny and was getting his plate of food and was kind of like oh cool.. typical guy! It was really special to be able to share this awesome moment with my mom and sister. Adam spilled the beans to my brother the next day at work and couldn't contain himself.. but we did go to dinner that night to Texas Roadhouse and met Linzi and Trev there. Before we started eating I sent Linzi a picture of the positive pregnancy tests.. and she text back like 'whaat!' it was funny. We then called Adam's family and Facetime with them and I held a little poster up saying 'Baby Holden due April 2014'.. They all were way happy! I was 4 weeks at that time.  We still can't really believe we've been given this gift!  It's definitely been a little whirlwind since. . .

I am due April 23, 2014.. And we really couldn't be happier! 

I think this little babe wanted to hang out in heaven with our Grandpa's for a little while 
before deciding to join our family! 

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