
Day 6 & Day 7

Day 6..
Favorite Super Hero and why.
Hmm.. well I have never been really into Superheroes.. I was way
more into like princess and stuff :)
I like Spiderman he is pretty sweet and I really like Iron Man the movie..
haha. I don' t know!

I decided to do Day 7 as well since my Day 6 is sooo boring!
The Someone/Something that has had the biggest impact on my life!
Well it would have to be my family! I chose this picture because obviously its my family and Adam. These people are the ones that have had a huge impact on my life. My parents especially are amazing. They are so cool and are definitley more like best friends to me. They have been so supportive and wonderful towards Adam  & I. They have been amazing examples and teachers therefore have had the biggest impact on me.
And there's my siblings and Adam. Who all impact my life everyday!
Adam is great and I am so lucky to have him!

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