
Dax: 5 Months Old

5 Months Old on September 30th, 2014
Weighed 21 lbs at 5 months and 2 weeks :)

This little big cutie turned 5 months a few days ago! 
Where is my time going?
This babe has really stolen our hearts. 
He is happy and has such a great spirit about him! 

I had one of my friends friends, (Did you get that?) who has never
meant Dax before tell me how special he is. 
She said 'I know I've never meant him, only seen his 
pictures, but he is so cute and smiley 
and she said there is something about him really, that is special'
This friend is not LDS, but really thinks something of my son! :)
Obviously as his mom, I sure think so. 

This month we started on solid foods! 
What a little adventure that has been! 
He has loved everything we've tried so far..
Rice Cereal was my first attempt and
his first few bites he was a little confused
but then got right into that spoon and was eating like a champ.
He has tried oatmeal (which he really likes)
sweet potatoes, apples and squash. 
I did rice cereal for the first few weeks and then
moved to oatmeal and then to the good stuff.
He is on squash now for a few days and so far so good.
I have to find a high chair for him, he is still sitting in his bumbo to eat.
He still eats 7 ounces of formula too and in this month
we made the transition to just Costco brand formula
which is great for our wallets! 

He is still sleeping great. We've had a couple funny nights
where he woke up around 4 a.m. just cooing and talking.
hahaha and smiling up at me! Then I can give him his binky
and he'll usually fall back asleep.
For the most part though, he is still going to bed by
8:00 ish every night and then waking up around 6-7:00 a.m.
He typically sleeps through the night and on occasion 
will wake up just happy and ready to talk for a minute. 
He is still in our room at least for the next few days. 
I just ordered our monitor so we are expecting that
soon and we will be making the big transition to the crib.
I'm actually quite worried about it! 
I am afraid he'll hate his crib and wake up a lot more. 
We will see. 
As far as naps go he is still sporadic. 
some days he is taking like long morning and afternoon naps
and other days he is taking little half hour ones so
he is confusing me! 
And since I'm working during the week days I don't get to 
see his napping schedule as much! 

This month he has loved his jumper more and more.
He has one at home now too and loves it! 
He usually can stay in there for a little while playing.
He also has started sitting up.
He will sit supported just fine
but even has started to sit on his own although a little wobbly
still he is doing it and is so strong.
He doesn't really like to lay down and play so much anymore
he wants to be sitting up and be in on the action. 
He hasn't rolled over yet though but I think that'll 
come with more time spent in his crib. 

He still laughs his little head off.
Some days I can get him laughing really good by just 
being by goofy self and Adam can tickle him like crazy! 
he will also laugh at our dogs as they walk by or play by him.
I have let him get close and try to 'pet' them a little bit and
he loves them! 
My mom has two bull dogs at her house and they adore Dax and 
he loves on them!
He will pull on one of their faces and grab his cheeks

and the dog just sits there and takes it! 
It's so cute! 

He also loves staring at the TV still.. When I'm trying to feed him
if the TV is on he gets easily distracted
and then he'll let out a chuckle and smile as he watches it
I would love to know what he thinks is so funny. 

He is still healthy and I couldn't ask for anything more.
I'm a little bit more paranoid as we get into cold/flu season 
but I sure hope he'll be just fine. 

He has started getting more of his little personality, which is so fun!
But he also has gotten more attitude.
He has started to arch his little back when he gets pissed
like when I'm trying to buckle him in the car seat. 
He has started arching his back really bad..
and then he'll start doing that and scooting right out of his little rock n play
I mean, he hasn't literally scooted out, but I imagine 
he will soon. 

We also could be close to getting a tooth! 
He seems more drooly and wanting to chew on everything
more than usual. My MIL swears one is floating up, 
so who knows, that could happen soon !

This boy sure is simply the best baby ever. 
he is loved by so many people
and brings joy and laughter to us every day! 
Almost every day I am wondering how I got so lucky
with the perfect baby.

Love our baby D!

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